Council has been a part of Snap Inc’s DNA since the very beginning. It is a listening practice that invites participants to share their stories with each other as a way to connect and create community. Each person speaks, one at a time, without interruption. A facilitator offers the group a prompt and everyone shares the story that is elicited from the prompt. Council helps foster connection, build compassion, and encourage community.
For the past five years, Dandelion, a Snap Inc. initiative, has been offering free Council training to communities and professionals to build a network of facilitators globally. Dandelion’s vision is that workplaces are settings in which compassion, empathy, and belonging are part of the culture.
Dandelion is a multi-pronged program to build strategic partnerships with organizations and universities, support requests from Snap’s external clients, and offer public Council trainings and community connection opportunities.
We invest in Council because it ultimately helps the business. Council develops stronger, more effective teams by providing a forum to build trust and connect with colleagues in an authentic way.
-Lauren Skowronski, Communications